Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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28 lines
Pressing `A' inside FList will allow you to change File Area without quitting
There are MANY options inside FList, look at the menu at the bottom!
FList automatically saves your marked files, if you lose them use `Re-Mark'
FList has a CD-Rom sub-system! - Use `@' to enter it
While in MARK MODE pressing LEFT & RIGHT cursors will move UP & DOWN pages
To mark more than one file in a row, press `T' while in MARK MODE
Help is available on all commands inside FList by pressing the `?' key
Pressing `.' while in MARK MODE will skip the bar to the MIDDLE of the list
FList has file list searching, press `S' to SEARCH with many useful features
YOU can set a password to enter FList, just press `P' from the Main Menu
If the colour scheme in FList doesn't appeal, press `L' to change it!
You can read text files from inside FList, press `E' to do this
To obtain a bit more information on a certain filename, press `O'
If FList's scroller is too long, press the `-' & `=' keys to shorten/lengthen
To sort the file list into Alpha, Numeric, Size, Date & Desc order press `*'
To redraw the whole screen at ANY time press `W', press `T' to restore length
To edit the description of a file YOU uploaded press `I'
To check weather or not the files are ACTUALLY online or offline toggle `C'
Press `!' inside FList to Remark/Edit/Review/etc previously Saved Marked Files
A counter showing current file marks is visible at the TOP RIGHT of the screen
The text inside the `[' `]' brackets on the bottom line shows the current page
The current system time is visible at the far right of the `Select:' line
You can use the NUMERIC KEYPAD or the CURSOR KEYS for MANY operations
Pressing RETURN/ENTER will move DOWN one page, BACKSPACE will move UP one page
LEFT & RIGHT cursor keys move you to the TOP and BOTTOM page in normal mode
A trip to http://www.digitald.demon.co.uk & BBS: 44-1772-454995 is a wise move